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Race for South Asia

R A F O  2 0 2 4

Since 2013, three generations of Taylor alumni and friends have been bicycling 500 miles over five days to raise funds for Youth for Christ International’s (YFCI) efforts in a desperately needy South Asian nation. To kick off a new decade of fundraising, we are evolving the event from a five-day cycling trip to a single-day team duathlon relay. We hope this evolution allows the event to grow in participation and fundraising for YFCI.


It is our intent that the fundraising aspect will continue to be the event’s primary objective. However, we aim for the event to be a gathering of athletes and friends to compete in an exciting event while encouraging unification within the Church.

Participating athletes raise funds through donations, funding Youth for Christ's ministry in South Asia — aiding the supply of basic life necessities and supporting continued spread of the Gospel. The 2024 event will take place on Saturday, June 8th.

Pray. Give. Race.

 How will you be involved?

The Relay

The RaFo is an athletic event like no other.

Each team will be represented by 4-9 athletes to complete a 100-mile duathlon relay race. Each team roster must be comprised of 2-4 cyclists to ride at least four 5-mile road circuits and 2-5 runners to run at least four 1.15-mile circuits. Please see the Event Details page for a more specific breakdown of each leg of the relay.

The financial goal for for each participating team is $4,000. Athletes may self-sponsor or raise funds from others — all donations are tax-deductible. Please see the Donation page for more details and information.

Check out the RaFo club on Strava.

The Cause

This event exists to first and foremost raise funds to support the work of Youth for Christ International (YFCI) in a South Asian country. To learn more about our mission, visit our Mission page.

The Name

The RaFo is the Race For. Over the years the details of our event — along with its name — have changed. What has been the Brickyard to Bridge, the B2B, the Ride Across the Rockies, and the RSA is now the RaFo. However one thing remains the same: we race for the spread of the Good News across the globe.

RaFo™ 2024

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